5 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Businesses to Make in 2023

September 7, 2023

As we bid farewell to 2022 and look ahead to a fresh new calendar year, it’s the perfect opportunity to test new digital tools, upskill as a business owner and make your business the best it can be. Setting goals is a great way to ensure you’re allocating your resources with clear focus and strategy, motivating employees and providing a set of criteria to measure the success of your operation. So, which areas do you want your business to be better in this year?

If you’re feeling stuck, here are five New Year’s resolutions for small businesses to make in 2023:

1. Rank higher with a stronger SEO strategy

A significant 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. In our increasingly competitive digital landscape, standing out from the crowd is more valuable than ever. If you haven’t done so already, 2023 is the time to level up your SEO game with stronger keywords, stronger content and a stronger strategy.

2. Boost your website conversion rate

The best-performing websites report a conversion rate of 11%, yet the average conversion rate for websites is approximately 2.35%. If a customer has made it all the way through your marketing funnel and lands on your website, you don’t want to lose them due to overlooked conversion-killers.

There are a number of ways to ensure your website is primed for a high conversion rate, including easy navigation, a positive user experience, short loading time, fast shipping time, and more.

Digital Solutions Mentor Loan Kien, owner and founder of The Digital Octopus, is an expert in this space. For specialist advice tailored to your business, book in a session with her or one of our other expert mentors through the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services Program.

3. Strengthen your social media strategy

Reportedly, more than half (59%) of the world’s population uses social media, with an average of 2 hours and 29 minutes spent on-screen each day. That’s a staggering opportunity to connect with your audience and boost your brand awareness. But social media can be an overwhelming space. Approaching it strategically is essential to ensure you’re maximising the potential of mass marketing, and not wasting valuable resources.

Digital Solutions Mentor Sam McFarlane, owner and founder of social media media and content management agency Sam Says, is an expert in this space. For specialist advice tailored to your business, book in a session with her or one of our other expert mentors through the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services Program.

4. Optimise your user experience (UX)

Ensuring your customers have a positive experience on your website can be the difference between the success and failure of your business. Research shows a staggering 88% of online customers wouldn’t return to a website after having a bad user experience (UX). There are a number of factors that impact the UX of your website, including easy navigation, clear categories, desirable image and branding, concise and relevant content - to name a few.

Digital Solutions Mentor Guido Melo, General Manager and Co-Founder of Melko Boutique, is an expert in this space. For specialist advice tailored to your business, book in a session with him or one of our other expert mentors through the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services Program.

5. Take your look to the next level

Research shows 90 per cent of information processed by the brain is visual, and your customers are inundated by thousands of images each day. Using high-quality, attractive images and design is not only essential for selling your product or service - but for building trust in your brand and communicating what makes you different to your competitors.

Digital Solutions Mentor Jo ChunYan Poon, owner and founder of brand and packaging design studio Jo ChunYan, is an expert in this space. For specialist advice tailored to your business, book in a session with her or one of our other expert mentors through the Digital Solutions Program.

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